วิธีเขียน Character Analysis Essay
การเขียนเรียงความบรรยายลักษณะเฉพาะตน – CHARACTER ANALYSIS ESSAY
งานเขียนประเภทนี้จะใช้ในการประเมิน ศีลธรรมของเฉพาะบุคคล หลักธรรมเนียมปฎิบัติ และความฉลาด เราควรมองไปที่ประเด็นเรื่องความสามารถของบุคคลที่ดำเนินในเรื่อง ปฏิสัมพันธ์ระหว่างบุคคลหนึ่งกับบุคคลอื่นที่มีลักษณะแตกต่างกันว่ามีอิทธิพลต่อลักษณะนิสัยของเค้าหรือไม่และมีปฎิกิริยาตอบโต้เช่นไร
ลักษณะเฉพาะสามารถวิเคราะห์โดยอาศัยบทบาทสนับสนุน ใครคนหนึ่งสามารถเป็นวีรบุรุษหรือตัวร้าย ลักษณะเฉพาะของคนหนึ่งๆ เป็นการแสดงให้เห็นลักษณะทางสังคม จิตวิทยา อารมณ์และความฉลาด
โดยงานเขียนจะบรรยายลักษณะเฉพาะบุคคลและผลลัพท์ตลอดในการบรรยายเรื่องราว เราควรมีการศึกษาอย่างลึกซึ้งในตัวบุคคลที่จะอภิปรายถึงเพื่อนำมาใช้ในการเขียนบรรยายลักษณะของบุคคลนั้นในงานเขียน ซึ่งควรระบุลักษณะเฉพาะอย่างลึกซึ้งพอที่จะให้ผู้อ่านเข้าใจได้
Character Analysis Essay
Purpose: Discuss an author’s description and development of a character.
Introduction: Introduce the character and context and present a thesis statement to discuss.
Body: Presents evidence which supports the thesis which describes the character.
Conclusion: Shows how the evidence has confirmed the thesis statement.
Language: Paraphrase or quote the original text about the character.
Other considerations: We can assume the reader knows the character and the book. Note that while this essay type discusses a single character, the literary analysis essay is quite similar in format but broader in scope, potentially discussing an entire book.
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ตัวอย่างการเขียน Character Analysis Essay
Ignorance is Bliss: Behind the Optimism of the Duke of Somerset
In Silver Linings by W.T. Monaghan, the principal character, the Duke of Somerset, is portrayed as an unfailingly optimistic aristocrat who invariably responds with cheerful good humour to the misfortune which he frequently suffers. The Duke endures a series of accidents, crises and personal tragedies, yet is able to remain in high spirits throughout his life’s travails, until he is seemingly rewarded for his good nature when his luck finally changes and he is able to marry the young lady of his dreams. This essay, however, argues that the Duke’s optimism was not the result of an admirable temperament, nor can his eventual marriage be construed as richly deserved. Instead, the underlying inferences which Monaghan allows the reader to draw suggest that the Duke was in fact a simpleton, whose optimism was born of ignorance and whose eventual success can be attributed to nothing more than chance.
The first tragic event of the young Duke’s life was the death of his mother while he was away at boarding school. The Duke is summoned to the headmaster’s study shortly before the half-term holidays and informed that his mother has passed away and that he will not therefore be returning home for the holidays (pp.58-59). The reader is seemingly invited to feel sympathy at the Duke’s loss, while the Duke’s ability to look on the bright side of disaster is shown in his reply that he didn’t mind staying at school, and that he would “see her at Christmas anyway”, and “maybe take one of matron’s mince pies for her” (p.61). However, it can be argued that the Duke’s cheerfulness is actually the result of his inability to comprehend the situation at hand. This view is supported by Monaghan’s portrayal of the Duke’s admission interview for the school, where the Headmaster notes that the boy had “a cheery disposition and impeccable manners, surpassed only by his ignorance” (p.35).
The second piece of misfortune involving the Duke provides further evidence that he was not blessed with intelligence. The reader may initially be inclined to feel pity for the Duke when he invests his inheritance in a scheme which ultimately fails to bear fruit, leaving him penniless, yet cheerful as ever. Indeed, the Duke meets the loss of his fortune with the jovial comment that he would now “at least be spared the burden of counting it” (p.89). One might ordinarily consider this quote indicative of the Duke’s optimism, yet Monaghan reveals that the fatal investment involved the cultivation of tropical fruit in the British climate (p.88); this clearly implies that the Duke was a fool, and in light of the Headmaster’s earlier comments (p.35), we can assume that the Duke would indeed struggle intellectually with the process of counting his money.
The final example of the Duke’s simple-minded foolishness occurs in the final months of World War I. The Duke survives unscathed until a training ground incident involving a grenade. While “essaying an ambitious left-foot volley” (p.256), the Duke loses both his lower legs when the device “unexpectedly” explodes as “is the wont of such devices” (p.257). Despite the loss of mobility, the Duke is quickly smiling, and jokes that his “shoelace trials are a thing of the past”. It is clear that Monaghan’s description of the explosion as “unexpected” is designed to poke fun at the Duke, while the Duke’s cheerful acceptance of his accident reveals to the observant reader a genuine inability to tie his own shoelaces.
The examples outlined demonstrate beyond any doubt that the Duke was a simple fellow of limited intellect. While Monaghan undoubtedly develops the character to invoke the reader’s sympathy, the accumulated evidence establishes a clear pattern of dim-witted foolishness on the part of the novel’s protagonist. When the Duke ultimately falls in love and marries the pretty nurse who assists him in his long recovery, the reader is ostensibly invited to conclude that his cheery optimism has finally been rewarded. However, in light of the evidence arrayed throughout the text, it is clear that the reader’s sympathies ought more properly to lie with his wife.
(Disclaimer: Silver Linings is an imaginary book and W.T. Monaghan is an imaginary author. Their role in this essay is to serve as an example.)
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