Parallel Structure โครงสร้างของประโยคที่สอดคล้องกัน
1. ใช้คำนามให้สอดคล้องกัน เช่น
- In the past, American was the land of opportunity and of liberty to millions of disadvantaged people abroad.
2. ใช้ adj. และ adv. ให้สอดคล้องกัน เช่น
- The new accountant is competent; hardworking and cooperative.
- This vacuum cleaner works smoothly and quietly.
3. ใช้กริยาให้สอดคล้องกัน เช่น
- It is these things that strengthen us, teach us, and increase our efficiency ten times over.
- When he was a little boy, Mark Twain would walk along the piers, watch the riverboats, swim and fish in the Mississippi.
- King Arther was greatly loved by his friends, respected by his subjects and feared by his enemies.
4. ใช้ phrase หรือ clause ให้สอดคล้องกัน เช่น
- Manufacturing industries are usually located in regions that have abundant natural resources, good transportation systems, mild climates, and large population.
- He asked how much the course cost and when it began.
5. ใช้ infinitive และ gerund ให้สอดคล้องกัน เช่น
- Fertilizers are used primarily to enrich the soil and to increase yield. (yield = ผล)
- We enjoy eating in good restaurants and going shopping afterward.
- To see the Statue of Liberty and to take pictures from the top of the Empire State Building are two reasons for visiting New York City.
6. ใช้ parallel structure กับประโยคคำสั่ง เช่น
- Heat the soup for ten minutes and then remove it from the stove.
7. ใช้ parallel structure กับคำเชื่อมต่อไปนี้ เช่น
Not only…………….but also……………..
- He not only loves her but also gives her money.
- She is not only intelligent but also creative.
- He registered for both Electrical Engineering and Mathematics.
- I had neither the time to shop nor the money to buy anything.